Job Seeker Strategies Articles

Hot Tips for a Summer Job Search

The weather is finally turning warmer in WNY and we are settling into weather forecast routine. For those of you reading this issue of WNYJOBS, the summer means more than picnics, sun, and mowing lawn; it also means searching for new employment. The summer is...

Listen To Your Parents… Sometimes!

Some of the most dangerous words in the English language are those that represent an absolute, such as always, everybody, nobody, or never. Rarely is this actually how things are truly reflected and usually something in-between is correct. A major daily newspaper in...

Overcoming Your Criminal Record

We often receive questions from local job seekers, either online or at Job Fairs or other events that WNYJOBS sponsors. Surprisingly, one of the questions we are asked the most is how someone with a criminal record can obtain the job they are seeking.  If you have...

Connecting with the Hiring Manager

The Hiring Manager is usually the person that an open position reports to and is ultimately responsible for the selection of an individual to fill any slots. The Hiring Manager may receive support from others during the selection process, such as a Recruiter or a...

Staying Local is the Smart Move

If you are like most job seekers your job search focus is relegated to inside the Western New York area.  WNY natives tend to love the area and would not even think of relocating.  Even more specifically, you are probably limiting your search to a geographic region...

Reviewing the Company Culture

The term “company culture” has skyrocketed in importance over the last couple of decades. It seems like with COVID-19 and an influx of a new generation of workers, the concept has become even more valuable to workers. The focus used to primarily be on compensation and...

Stay Safe When Job Searching Online

I don’t know if things have been the same for you, but I have noticed increasingly random e-mails and social media reach outs regarding open positions. We won’t even focus on some of the others that are related to business or franchise opportunities. Luckily for me,...

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