Job Seeker Strategies Articles

Uncovering the Company Recruiter Myths

In many situations, a candidate’s first direct contact with an organization will be with a company recruiter. This person’s job is to accumulate interested job candidates for the open position(s) of the company. A recruiter can do this by placing posting ads in places...

Match Your Job Search With You

Everybody has opinions. Especially when it involves giving advice to people seeking employment. You can’t open up a paper or surf a Website without coming across multiple “experts” all professing that they hold the secret to finding employment. I will digress for a...

Seek Results and Not Just Activity

It may seem odd, but an open position for an employer and a job search for an applicant often have a curious similarity in regards to mindset.  In both of these situations, there seems to be, at times, an obsession over activity rather than quality or actual results....

Stay Busy During this Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a whirlwind period of activity involving family, shipping, cooking/baking, etc. If you have a job, you also have to find the ability to focus on your work, which can especially be difficult if you are in a position or industry that gets...

Job Searching During the Holidays

It is that time of year again; a period that many job seekers dread. It is the feared “Bermuda Triangle” of job searching…the holiday season. This time of year does not have to be so horrible. In fact because so many job seekers mistakenly “drop out” out of the...

Successfully Reapplying to a Company

Sometimes the old adage of “don’t take no for an answer” can pay off, especially when it comes to your job search. For many job seekers, they may think erroneously that you only receive one attempt to get hired by a company. They believe that once you have been...

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