Interviewing Articles

Guide to Job Interviewing While Pregnant

As if being pregnant is not enough of a challenge for a person, imagine also being pregnant while conducting a job search. It seems to be like taking a near impossible task and making it that much more difficult. This is especially true because most pregnant job...

Show Them You’re Motivated

With the advent of behavior based interviewing and other like methods, interviewers have tried to expose the hiring process to more objective criteria and decision-making. The reality, however, is that most of why someone gets hired after an interview is still rooted...

Accelerating the Hiring Decision

One of the biggest complaints I hear from job seekers is the length of time the hiring process sometimes takes. You would think (with the tight labor market) employers would not delay, but that is often not the case. It is also natural for a candidate to be a little...

Improving Your Interview Communication Skills

Nerves, if not managed properly, can prove fatal to an individual’s job search, especially during the interview. It is a given that not everyone is the best communicator, especially when facing the nerve-inducing stress of being questioned for a new job. There are...

Expressing What You Learned From Your Mistakes

There are many questions that an interviewer might present to you during the course of an interview. While perhaps not the most frequently asked, a common question revolves around wanting you to talk about a mistake that you have made in your career and how it was...

Highlighting Your Own Interpersonal Skills

It is common to hear from Hiring Managers about how close the finalists were for an open position. Often, the feedback is that their job experience and related education were similar to each other. The differentiator was what is commonly referred to as a “soft skill”,...

When You Know You May Be Short-Term

For most Job Seekers, the focus is solely on finding a position that you hope to stay at for a long-term. Of course, in today’s world, the definition of long-term has changed from “having the same job to retirement” towards something that would probably be 5 or more...

Selecting Your References

If you have reached the reference stage in the job search process, then things are looking up. Typically, if you are asked for references, this is a sign that you are the leading candidate or on a very short list for the job desired. You should have already selected...

Explaining Why You Want to Work for a Company

A Hiring Manager is likely to ask you a variety of questions regarding your work experience and skills. You will probably be asked a number of questions regarding the open position and how you fit into the role. A job seeker also needs to be prepared to be asked why...

How to Help Make an Interview a Conversation

There is a lot of material out there for interviewers, to help them understand why a conversational type of interview is much more productive. The days of an interview being a one-way interrogation should be long over, but it still exists in many situations. A...

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