Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting the Promotion?

by | Mar 11, 2020 | Career Advice

I know that this must sound like the silliest question…”of course you should” is probably the answer that immediately comes to your mind. Most of the time that mindset is exactly correct and you should move forward (after proper consideration). The point being that you should pause and consider the opportunity before accepting. If, after consideration, the promotion is not right for you, then you should consider passing on the role.

If you are pursuing an external role, then this internal review should primarily be done before starting your job search and posting on specific positions. Of course, each role has some specific nuances that must be considered, but the core decision of what level of position is right for you in the moment should already be determined.

Now in the situation of an internal elevation/promotion, you may have posted internally on an open position utilizing a formal process. Often, however, things are much less strict and the role is something that the Hiring Manager has approached you to determine interest level. Usually, this conversation occurs with the Hiring Manager already assuming that you will be interested in the role since it is a promotion. This situation can therefore come as a surprise and place you in a pressurized decision to agree to something without full review.

So, what are some of the items you should consider when evaluating this promotional or elevated role? Let’s examine 5 key questions that will serve to assist you in making the right decision.

• Do You Have the Time To Commit? Unless you are being elevated from one hourly position to another, the promotion you are considering will probably commit you to working longer hours. Are you someone who enjoys the strict 40-hour week, or knowing (for the most part) when your work hours will be. The more inflexible you are with your work hours, the more likely a higher position is not a good fit for you. This is one area where, if applicable, the consideration should include your spouse/significant other and even your children.

• Is The “Extras” Worth The Effort? Related to whether you have the time is the question of what you will receive for the added commitment. The reality is that almost all of us work for the compensation and benefits that we receive for our time. We all have an idea of what we are worth and must decide whether what we are being offered is fair. There are a number of websites that allow you to obtain basic salary range information to help frame your expectations. This is, of course, a hot topic with the subject of pay equity being on the mind of so many.

• Will There Be Ramifications To Saying “No”? This is especially important to consider if you are in a position for an internal promotion. Will saying “No” place you in the back of the line for future opportunities, or (even worse) place your current role in jeopardy? It is usually pretty hard to determine this, but you may be able to draw a conclusion by how the company has handled previous similar situations. If you have a close advocate in the company, perhaps she/he can provide you with some guidance. If you do decide to pass on the promotion, then consider explaining that the timing is just not right now, but that you are interested in future career advancement.

• Do You Feel Like You Will Be Given a Chance to Succeed? If you are an internal candidate, then you probably have a good idea regarding the training and mentorship provided. If you are joining a new organization, then you have to feel comfortable that you will be provided the training necessary. So often companies expect new employees to know the role and don’t give thought or the resources to developing the new hire. Changing jobs is a big deal, so don’t become intoxicated with the promotion and place yourself in a position where you can’t succeed.

• Will a Promotion Impact Your Job Security? It sounds odd, but your promotion may impact your ability to survive future job eliminations. If you are entering “middle management”, that is often one of the first places looked at when cuts are needed. Leadership roles are often only as stable as the strength of the performance of the facility. While line positions are often safe from immediately being held accountable for poor financial performance, leadership roles usually have a different and higher standard.

At first glance, it is typical to think accepting a promotion or an elevated role is a no-brainer decision. With anything in life, however, there are items to consider and questions that need to be answered. Before rushing to say yes to any new role, please make sure that it fits both your needs and your family. Also, be sure that the extra compensation (and any additional benefits) will be worth the anticipated additional commitment.

As always, best of luck in your job search.

The following has been prepared for the general information of WNYJobs readers. It is not meant to provide advice with respect to any specific legal or policy matter and should not be acted upon without verification by the reader.

Joe Stein
WNY Human Resources Professional

Feel free to contact Joe Stein regarding questions or comments at:
Joe Stein

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