Resume Tips Articles

Make Your Resume More Readable

When writing a resume, the initial goal is to draw the Recruiter into reading the document you have submitted. The next step is to then have this person identify you as a viable candidate for the open position you are seeking. So much effort is placed on the concept...

Formatting Your Resume

A resume is a written document that a job applicant creates to outline their qualifications for a position. This document is your introduction to a prospective employer, formally informing them of your interest in working for the company. Usually, the submission of a...

How to Be a Better Proofreader

In so many of my advice articles, I have referenced the need to have error-free documents. Whether it is your Cover Letter, your Resume, or some other correspondence, your submission should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Being 100% correct may not provide...

Best & Worst Terms to Use in Your Resume

The resume is often the first impression a Job Seeker provides to a Recruiter or Hiring Manager during the selection process. The document, when reviewed, causes the reader to quickly reflect on the applicant and decide whether to further pursue the person. All of...

Writing Your Post-College Resume

Recent college graduates have a particular challenge in constructing their Resume since they typically have limited experience. In light of this challenge, lets this week, provide some tips on how to write a winning College Resume. • Don’t feel obligated to produce a...

Writing That First Resume

Whether you are a recent graduate, starting your first job search in a long time due to layoff, or just a person who has never done a resume, writing a first resume can be very important in your job search. Writing your first resume can seem like an impossible...

Writing a Human Services Resume

While most Human Service positions are still driven off of a company application, it has now become standard practice to send (or have available) a Cover Letter and Resume. For many Human Services Professionals, that reality generates a feeling of “how do I get...

Write Your Resume in Plain Language

We all know that your Resume is one of the most important documents you will ever write. Unless you write for a living, your Resume competes against documents such as those written for school or for your employer as the most important. In those situations, however,...

Why Would You Not Send a Cover Letter?

This is a pet peeve of mine that rears its ugly head every few years for me. The topic is the Cover Letter and why it appears most people have abandoned sending one. In my recent completely unscientific study, it appears the vast majority of applicants do NOT include...

What is the Ideal Resume Length?

This is one of the more interesting arguments in the job search world, as there are typically two very distinct points of view.  On one end, you have the “less is more” folks who like to edit their resume down to one page in the belief that a Recruiter will not read...

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